Join Slow Food Austin for a night in LENOIR’s wine garden to support our friends in need at Green Gate Farms, a farm that has always been there for the Austin community. For the past three months, Green Gate Farms has gone through events that neither a family nor small business should have to experience in a lifetime, let alone a year. First, Farmer Skip was hit by a reckless driver, totaling their delivery van and resulting in medical issues that prevented him from planting crops for their Community Supported Agriculture distribution. They then received a notice from their landlord that rent will be raised on their city farm. And lastly, Bastrop County denied agricultural valuation for their River Farm, meaning their taxes will be nearly seven times higher than they usually pay. Proceeds from the happy hour will be donated to Green Gate Farms to help alleviate this financial stress.
Your $15 entry donation (via cash or credit card) will go directly to keeping Green Gate Farms so Skip and Erin can continue their passion of farming and food education to benefit all of us in Central Texas! Complimentary drink and specially priced snacks will be available. Click here to RSVP.
Dec 15 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
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